UltraVnc Single Click - Create

How to create my own version?

1) Download custom.zip

2) Replace the icons ,bmp and rc4.key file with your own version
++Bmp need to be a windows bitmap, max colors 256, size 196x181 (16colors --> smaller size)
icons, standard window icons only 32x32 standard is needed
The bigger the icons and bmp are, the bigger the final result, the final result is 166k + compressed zip file
SAME NAMES MUST BE USED.....logo.bmp icon1.ico icon2.ico

3) Replace the rc4.key with your own version or remove the rc4.key if you don't wish to use encryption
To create your own key you need the normal UltraVnc version and dsmplugin.
The config button of the dsmplugin allow you to create another key.

4)Helpdesk.txt Information

5)Color background:
You can add a color background by adding a file background.bmp to the zip file
Size 1x283, this bmp is stretch as background
Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3, Sample 4

6) Create a zip File from the files you want to customize
minimum: helpdesk.txt
maximum helpdesk.txt rc4.key icon1.ico icon2.ico logo.bmp background.bmp

MYCOMPANY.zip or jsdgf654324f.zip
Use something unique, else 2 custom versions could get mixed
DON'T use .(dot) in the name: sample WWW.XXX.zip

7) Click Creator in left panel
login: foo