





binary.png Inno Setup installer 10962 x86
GNU/GPL link_extern.gif 2012-02-16 English Windows 3.67 MB 833,126 Download

binary.png Inno setup installer 10962 X64
GNU/GPL link_extern.gif 2012-02-16 English Windows 2.05 MB 467,185 Download

sponsored links

binary.png Msi installer 10962 win200
GNU/GPL link_extern.gif 2012-02-16 English Windows 2.69 MB 38,619 Download

binary.png Msi installer 10962 x86
GNU/GPL link_extern.gif 2012-02-16 English Windows 2.69 MB 180,730 Download

sponsored links

binary.png Msi installer 10962 x64
GNU/GPL link_extern.gif 2012-02-16 English Windows 2.98 MB 161,155 Download

Binary zips (changed files)

zip.png bin zip 10962 (changed files) x86
GNU/GPL link_extern.gif 2012-02-16 English Windows 404 B 50,397 Download

zip.png bin zip 10962 (changes) X64
GNU/GPL link_extern.gif 2012-02-16 English Windows 404 B 28,386 Download

Remark bins: Never extract the exe direct (via iexplorer) from the zip.
If you extract them direct, uac mark the files as unsecure... and winvnc server doesn't work proper.
First save as zip then open via explorer...

Viewer Translations ( rename dll to vnclang.dll)

zip.png Translations 10962
GNU/GPL link_extern.gif 2012-02-16 English Windows 404 B 10,450 Download

Mirror Driver

zip.png Mirror Driver

Mirror driver ( min OS XP, max win7 X64)
Full installer auto download mirror drivers, but if you selected no you can manual install the mirror driver.
Mirror driver can only be installed via the console ( no RDP session)
Vista >  open a cmd "run as admin" and run the install.bat from there  ( UAC required)

Commercial licenseTooltip 2011-06-19 Windows 352.8 KB 372,170 Download


zip.png src 10962
GNU/GPL link_extern.gif 2012-02-16 English Windows 404 B 6,328 Download


**v1. (Feb 2012)
-removed beeps
-Capture alpha-Blending default value.
-Viewer crash fixed
-Grayscale fixed
-msi installers

*crash chat x64
*AuthRequired=0, passwd=NULL: Warning message block service
*About x64 say win32
*viewer 1082 and server 1096 with localcursor ( no connect, 100% cpu)
*serversite scaling and multiple viewers, framebuffer size get overwritten
(Scale is now lock when multiple viewers are connected to avoid a
framebuffer change, first connected viewer set scale. Site effect is that
the viewer report the unused, incorrect scale, but at least it doesn't crash anymore)
*-connect ip, passed to winvnc running as service is not remembered for
stop the autoreconnect function of the server.
*server mouse moves jump on viewer when screen is idle.
*old plugin zrle crash

*plugin (SecureVNCPlugin) used by viewer
server without plugin
give incorrect viewer message. And doesn't ask to reject the connection.
*monitor value is saved, but vncviewer read it as bool (true/false)
Only 0/1 are correct imported
*old plugins fail when zrle encoding is used
*old plugins give incorrect info in statusbox
*-autoreconnect timeout, -reconnectcounter number
(available from gui and commandline)
-autoreconnect timeout was incorrect, updated
*old plugin detection
*Messagebox was sometimes displayed on invisable desktop
*auth dll error messages for missing dll's incorrect
*mslogon and no groups, didn't checked admin account for access
*lock /logout screen on exit viewer option blocked shutdown server.

*mslogon fixed

added special build: only one port for javaviewer (rfb port is used for java download and rfb data)




This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
