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UltraVnc Full
Full version is for installation on a system without vnc installed.
Remove old version AND service before using this installer. Update
Update versoin can be used to update or higher online. This replace
the current binaries and update the uninstaller. Please test local before
upding a remote server.

Viewer Only
vncviewer.exe as zip

Source code Download

Mirror Drivers Download

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** v1.0.5.6
+driver activation fix
** v1.0.5.5
+ performance updates for low cpu systems
+ autodetection speed slower to get a better average
+ signed , new certificat until 2011

** v1.0.5.4
+viewer security update
** v1.0.5.3 Release

- Added settings editor (as seperate application)
- Added option to preset prim/sec/both desktops as default
- Terminal service dependency removed

** v1.0.5.2 Release

- Unzip32.dll/zip32.dll are not longer needed (correctde)
- Logoff user no check the session number, restart is only done when session != 0 ( Vista or XP with fast user switching)
- DirectX viewer (tabbed_viewer) compiled with good settings

** v1.0.5.1 Release (upgrade to asap...)

* Viewer
- Fix bug where screen froze when file transfer or chat was open.
- Close the chat dialog before deleting TextChat object.
- Fixed server crash in KillAllClients when chat window was open
- Suppress duplicate messages about lost communications
- Suppress "File transfer completed" message if there's an error so the error is seen in the history dropdown
- Autoreconnect fix
- Unzip32 zip32 now always appear in installed folder

* Server
- Save option permission fix
- Performance tweak for server-side scaling
- Close the chat dialog before deleting TextChat object
- Fixed server crash in KillAllClients when chat window was open
- Suppress duplicate messages about lost communications
- Close textchat dialog if open before deleting textchat object to avoid crashing the server.
- Updated javaviewer
- Unzip32/zip32 are now embedded in the exe
- Drivers: fixed clasic style (bad captionbar)

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